Why you shouldn't skip a sitter session
Harper was quite a small baby, and she's still small for her age. People are forever shocked that she is 9 months and not 4 months! Being my own baby, I am able to take regular professional photos of her, but I don't. I know, I really should! But sometimes, work gets busy, and I forget!
I did some "sitter" type photos before she could properly sit... let's just say, she wasn't interested! Fast forward a few months, she is now crawling... Definitely a hare and not a tortoise! Sitter photos are most certainly not quite as easy, but I made sure to capture her gorgeousness as a beautiful, bubbly, perfect 9 month old.
Our antics can be viewed on facebook, I videoed 2 lives whilst dressing bubba up in various outfits!
I know I was the photographer, but as I glanced through the gallery I had just photographed, I had tears in my eyes. My perfect little princess, her big eyes, cute little hair and cheeky gummy grin... So many emotions flooded through me! I honestly was so glad that I took the time to preserve these memories. I mean, she's already starting to talk, I'm going to want to remember the peaceful times (joking of course). The gummy smile shown below is a particular milestone; the last day where little Harpsicle had no teeth! They broke through her gums the very next day- we then realised why we hadn't slept for a few days!
These baby photos will stay with us forever! I definitely had to put some flowers on her head for the occasion, my current favourite thing to do!
How I show facebook she is...
Her face 90% of the time (when I get my camera out at least!)
So what are you waiting for? Book your sitter session today! I mean, if you don't, mummy brain might lead you to forget!
Lastly, Harper would like you to follow us on instagram!
Hope to see all of your lovely little bubbas soon!