New Years Resolutions- say yes to blogging!
Happy New year to all of my past, present and future clients! I have met so many lovely people, bubbly children and tiny newborns this year; and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone new in 2019!
2018 was a busy year for me, not only did I photograph several babies, but my partner and I welcomed our own little girl into the world- Harper Rose Haynes. She was born on 1st June 2018 at 6:59 PM. Our lives have become so much more full with her in our lives! Currently 7 months old, she keeps us on our toes, but every moment is worth it. I’m still working, but I take limited client bookings now; a maximum of 8 newborn sessions per month. I’m lucky that I can offer evening and weekend sessions, which seems to have worked better for everyone!

Business-wise, my studio moved from Beckenham to Bromley. I’ve been slowly doing up my newest studio location; hanging large wall art pieces on the walls, getting new props, and making the space as cosy as I can for each and every new client. I’ve also added new services; family and child portraiture sessions. It gives me great joy to style sessions, see everyone’s happy faces and to create memories. I myself have taken 2 family photos for my little family, one is printed on a tray framed canvas at 40 inches by 30 inches, and we plan to get the newest one printed as well. Go big or go home! I like to regularly update Harper’s photos- she has changed so much! From a dark haired little newborn, to a fair haired, 7 month old gorgeous bubba (who is getting harder to contain!).

Do you have a new years resolution? I have thought long and hard about what I would like to try, change, and do in 2019. I have never really taken new years resolutions seriously, but since Harper blessed our lives, I am keen to make the most of every day.
Starting from today, I plan to blog more, one blog a day for the whole month. I have been slack in writing, I was a lazy pregnant person! I’d like to let everyone get to know me more, each session is more then just photos to me. I like to invest time in getting to know everyone, so it is only right that you learn a little more about me first. I also like to share handy tips during my sessions, something I will begin writing about! So, my questions to you are: what would you like to know? What would you like me to blog about?
Blogging was once my nemesis, but, new year new you right?
I would like to give back to the community, help some families who have children who need some extra help. It may only be by offering them a pro bono photography session, but I thoroughly believe that children who grow up around family photographs feel better about themselves.
The daily mail published an article a while ago about how family photographs impact self image, you can read it here:
[If you know a family who have a child with health problems or special needs that you feel would deserve/benefit from a pro bono session, I would love to hear from you. They will be limited, but every little helps!]
I would love to lose the baby weight!!! For those who knew me before pregnancy and child birth, I was a regular gym goer, happy with my body. THE WEIGHT GAIN AND STRETCH MARKS WERE WORTH IT, but now that I safely have my baby in my arms, I’d love to work on a little self love; getting more active and getting a body that I will personally be proud of. Would you like blogs on diet and exercise to feature on my website? Would this help anyone else?

I would also love to have my year planned out… I am a reasonably organised person (although, baby brain is a real thing…) but I have never had an entire year planned out before. I am OBSESSED with pinterest and reading other blogs… hopefully I’ll find some helpful tips on there, and maybe share with you what worked for me!
After watching the recent series ‘tidying up with Marie Kondo’, I desperately want to become tidier, to re-do all of the drawers, get rid of things I don’t need, filter through all of the papers etc. It is a really inspiring series and I highly recommend!
Finally, I need to finish Harper’s nursery… We’ve gone with a neutral theme with a touch of pink, and slowly we are putting the bits in place. When she wasn’t mobile, there wasn’t much of a rush… but now… oh boy… how to keep her contained and happy! She is a massive fan of the bouncer we have in there (thanks to my sister-in-law who lent us it), but we still need a bookcase and an armchair (which is on order).
For those of you expecting a baby or who have a baby already- get a seat in your nursery- standing up to feed a baby in the night is like rocking a wriggling sack of potatoes…

So, To summarise…
Blog more
Give back to the community
Lose the baby weight
Have my year planned out
Become tidier
Finish Harper’s nursery
So, what are your new years resolutions? I’d love to hear from you! What others should I add?